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Bundle up for a night walk and find a wishing star.

Two cats make their wishes!

Special Walking Activity: Night sights and sounds
There are many interesting things to see and hear on a night time walk.  Before you go outside, explain that it takes some time for our eyes to adjust to the dark.  Once our eyes adjust, we might see stars twinkle or the moon.  We can notice that some of our favorite flowers close their petals at night.  Different sounds are more noticeable at night, like bug sounds, airplanes, and frogs croaking.  Even people sounds may be different at night.  This activity coordinates well with Bright Bunnies Go For a Night Walk.

Star Wishing There is always something magical and hopeful about wishing on a star. Keep the tradition of wishing on the first star you find, or start your own tradition, like wishing on the North Star or on a constellation you can recognize.

Walking Tips Your child will feel more secure on a familiar and even path.  Make sure you select a path that is comfortable and safe.  Young children might enjoy just sitting on a stoop, porch or deck until they adjust to the dark.

Things to look for:
1. stars
2. the moon (and notice whether it is full and round or a crescent)
3. clouds
4. little creatures: moths, bats, and other bugs

Things to listen for:
1. wind
2. people sounds
3. bug sounds, frog sounds, birds and owls

More Walking Tips: When you discover something on your walk, take time for your child to focus on it and try to describe it.  Ask questions and help supply your child with words to describe what you see and hear!  When you don't find something you were looking for, just keep it in mind as something to observe when you are in a different neighborhood, running errands or visiting!

Each month, we'll post a new set of sights and sounds to search out!

Let us know what you discover! Write us at

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