Play Butterfly School every day to celebrate learning. Try our Activity Sheets today!

Walking in a winter wonderland! wpe17.gif (18556 bytes)

Feel like a kid-friendly project?  Celebrate with us!

Visit creating for great projects and reading for excellent books.

wpeD.jpg (14640 bytes)Make your own snowflakes



Whether you make them very simply or heap on the glitter, creating your own snowflakes is fun!

Visit creating for our simple pattern.



5 Cozy Things to Do Inside

1. Write thank you notes!  After the holidays, we all have special people to thank.  Instead of buying cards, try making your own.  Visit thanking for more ideas!

2. Make up a short and silly story.  Write it down, three-hole punch the paper & tie your book together with ribbon.  Invite a child to illustrate the story.

3.  Make a mix tape for someone special.  Just aim for five songs your friend will love.  Keep it simple!

4.  Make hot chocolate or a cup of tea.  Sneak in a ten minute break somewhere in your week to just put your feet up and stare out a window.

5.  Plan one special thing for February.  It's nice to have something to look forward to.

Try making fleece hats!

For our special holiday gift, we made lots (and lots & lots) of fleece hats.  The more we made, the more creative we became!  Mixing bright patterns cheers us up when chill winds blow.  Fleece is easy to cut, even for children!  Write for our simple pattern.

rectangle + circle = hat!

Share Winter Poetry

great for grown-ups & kids.


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