Celebrate Earth Day every day!

For more Earth-Day activity ideas on our recycling page!     Take a spring walk!

Edible Earth pizza!

Start with a store-bought circular cheese pizza, or make your own with homemade dough, sauce & cheese. To decorate, use fresh vegetables that you have washed & cut into small pieces. Kids & adults can get creative designing the Earth. Here are some ideas: try green vegetables (broccoli, green peppers) for land & mountains. Add extra cheese for the ocean waves or mix with cut mushrooms. Add boats (red peppers), fish (orange peppers), or land features (yellow peppers).

       more creative cooking ideas!

Recycled earth sculpture!

Gather things to recycle: a ball ready for retirement, paper towel rolls, plastic lids, old bags, newspapers & magazines. (If you don't have a ball to spare for the project you can crumple newspaper into a big ball shape & tape it together firmly.) Glue or tape paper over the ball-- try strips of tissue paper, an old shopping bag or brown grocery bag. (Using strips helps keep the covering smooth.) You can paint the ball or start decorating with your recycling materials. To add specific features, like buildings, birds, or people, you can draw them or cut pictures out of old newspapers, catalogs or magazines.

enjoy a spring walk in Butterfly School!

Join the Bright Pink Bunny for a great print & play exercise book.  Just in time for spring training, you can bend, stretch & bounce along!

  Share the adventures of the Bright Pink Bunny & friends... Make your own Bunny with our easy Bunny outline to decorate or trace.

The Earth is a windy place!  Celebrate windy days -- make a kite book!

 Wind poetry, songs & garden ideas!  


Visit our companion site:  butterflyschool.net for daily Activity Sheets full of springy ideas . . .

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Simple, elegant and cheerful paper flowers are easy to make with our Butterfly School pattern links! 

Bluebells  and  Asters  and   Daisies   

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